Q: What is the primary issue facing the county that led you to run for office?
A: As great a community as Pender County has always been, unfortunately it is overwhelmed with numerous issues that have not been addressed for far too long. The majority of these issues could have been prevented or at least lessened if only our previous elected leaders would have planned for the future of our families. Overcrowded schools, over congested roads, out of control growth and development, and an infrastructure that is strained beyond its abilities all plague our community. I am seeking the communities support in being their voice to address these concerns from day 1 in office for their families and mine and for their future here in Pender County.
Q: Would you support the purchase of county beach land to allow Pender County residents the opportunity to enjoy the beach without having to pay for parking. If not, would you work with local beach communities in Pender County to obtain a reduced rate for parking for Pender County residents?
A: The failed previous representation of Pender County citizens has led to this situation. NO Pender County resident should have to pay to park to visit their local beach. Current citizens of Pender County all pay taxes and contribute to our community and the last thing they should have to do is pay to enjoy one of our communities most desired amenities while they raise their families.
Q: What are your skills and experiences that make you the right choice for Pender County voters?
A: I fully understand that as people we are all raised differently and have different views of how many different community concerns can be addressed. I also believe that as an elected leader you are chosen to represent your entire community not just a selected few. As a father raising 3 children in our community, I have a vested interest in our future here in Pender County. As a former law enforcement officer, educator, business owner, and coach of our youth here in our community I am more than qualified to make educated decisions for the entire community and protect all of our family’s futures as we navigate through the crucial times created by our previous leaders who failed to plan for the growth we are experiencing currently.
Q: If elected, would you attend local town meetings that are within Pender County to hear their concerns and to show the support of the Pender County Board of Commissioners?
A: I would absolutely attend as many community meetings as possible and take it a step further and host several of my own town hall style meetings to open up the line of communication with our citizens and the local government. Currently the citizens of Pender County do not have this line of communication. Even the public opinion piece of our County Commissioner meetings held twice a month has become less inviting by moving the open speaking segment from the beginning of the meetings to the end of the meeting. We the people are being silenced by our own local government and it must stop immediately.
Q: If elected, what would you do to address the major concerns of the safety of travelers on Highway 17 in the Hampstead area? Would you consider a moratorium on construction until the bypass was completed?
A: Traffic concerns have always been a top issue for our community. For years previous candidates and elected officials have used this topic to gain votes, yet nothing has been done to address the concern. One previous elected official even went as far as to state in an open forum to the community that he knew people in Raleigh and could get the bypass completed more quickly. Well, years later and still no completed bypass.
However, I will argue that the bypass is not the solution and will only bring more traffic and development to our community especially in the overpopulated, strained, over-developed east side of Pender County area. We must address the issue in front of us currently and plan for the future to prevent our children from having to deal with our errors. When elected I will work directly with the Pender County Sheriff, NC State Highway Patrol, and Governors Highway Safety Program immediately to address our needs in Pender County especially on Highway 17. As a community member I am tired of being misled and want to see results immediately.
We the people must stand up and protect our futures here in Pender County for our children and their children to come. It starts by electing true representatives of our community and not establishment supported candidates who continue to make decisions for the selected few.