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Elbert Garvey for Onslow County Board of Education

Q: What is the primary issue facing the school system that led you to run for office?

A: The most important issue is ensuring the safety of all of our students and staff.

Q: What are your skills and experiences that make you the right choice for Onslow County voters?

A: I currently serve on the Board of Education. I retired from the Onslow County School System having served as a teacher, coach, and principal.

Q: School safety has been a hot topic at Onslow County School board meetings. If elected, what will you do to help ensure the safety of students and staff on school grounds?

A: As a Board Member I have supported and will continue to support the implementation of safety measures such as reviewing security assessments, and supporting the purchase, implementation, and approval of the feasibility study for metal detectors and weapon detectors in our schools. 

Q: Do you have children or grandchildren that attend the Onslow County Schools, and if so, what do you feel are the major issues that affect them?

A: Currently I do not have any children or grandchildren that attend Onslow County Schools, but my son and daughter-in-law are both high school teachers in Onslow County. My son is a product of Onslow County Schools. I have a granddaughter that will one day attend school in the Onslow County School District.  

Q: If elected, how do you plan on filling the need for more teachers and school bus drivers? Would you support incentives, like benefits and bonuses?

A: I would support signing and retention bonuses for our bus drivers. And for teachers we must continue to provide competitive local supplements and retention bonuses. For recruiting purposes, we must promote the classroom support we provide our teachers in the form of Instructional Coaches, Reading Coaches, Digital Learning Coaches, Beginning Teacher Coordinators, and Mentors for beginning teachers.

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