1. What are your greatest strengths and skill set that will make you a good elected official?
I am business minded and pay attention to detail but most of all, I use common sense in my decisions.
2. Is there a particular issue that motivated you to run for office?
I am currently on the Town Council but what initially motivated me to run was I didn't like the way the departments were being run and it seemed like no one knew what was going on.
3. Do you currently or have you ever held an elected office before, and if so, what office?
I am currently on the Holly Ridge town council.
4. As an elected official you will have to make decisions regarding zoning. What, if any, is your experience with zoning and how will it benefit the voters if you are elected?
I have been on the council for 4 years and I am still learning everyday. No one can know everything but with time I will get better. That is why it is important not to elect new people every term.
5. Traffic is a major issue, especially during the tourist season. One concern is the lack of sidewalks and dedicated bike paths. Do you agree this is a concern and if so, what would you like to see changed or added regarding sidewalks and bike paths?
Sidewalks and bike paths are a part of our master park plan that we have been working on since 2021.
6. Our area is unique in the fact that we are comprised of several small towns and two counties. Do you feel it is important to work alongside the neighboring towns/counties and are there any specific issues you want addressed or feel needs more work?
Yes, all towns and counties should do their best to work together to make the area great for all citizens.
7. Hurricanes are a way of life in coastal areas. 1) Do you feel your town is properly prepared to handle a major storm? 2) What improvements, if any, would you like to see take place, regarding communication, shelters, or staff?
We currently have an emergency management plan that has been working great in the past.
8. If elected and a proposal was created regarding term limits, would you support it?
Term limits are not needed in local government. You currently are elected on 4 year terms and if the citizens aren't happy with you they can elect someone else.
9. As time is always precious, do you agree that as an elected official, it is your responsibility to learn about the topics to be discussed ahead of time to help expedite discussions and decisions during the meetings?
I agree if you take on the responsibility of any job or position you are to do it to the best of your ability. If that means research, then you must take the time to do it to make your own informed decisions.
10. If your community has paid parking: What issues do you have regarding the current program and would you work to change or alter the existing program in your community?
We do not currently have paid parking but I don't agree with paid parking in towns. In my opinion, you should want people coming to your town, spending time and money to increase revenue. That helps keep taxes low for citizens.
11. Tell me something about yourself that may be of interest to the community.
I was born and raised in Holly Ridge. I am a husband, father and police officer. I currently help run our two family businesses. I enjoy camping with my family and cruising in our Jeep Wrangler.